Let Us Help You Make Your Investment work for you


  • To achieve Big HMO returns on your investments effortlessly from anywhere in the world

  • A full acquisition, refurbishment and management service

  • To invest in an area where property prices represent good value for money

  • To focus on the things you love while your investment works hard for you

If you are interested in receiving a greater return on your money instead of it sitting idle in the bank, contact us to see how we could work together on future projects!

Below we have answered some questions in regards to investing in property and highlighted key facts in: Why invest in Property? Why invest in property now? & Why invest with Top Property Solutions?

Why invest in Property?

Real estate is a great investment for many reasons. It can give you the excellent rate of returns, amazing tax advantages and leverage real estate to build your wealth. Here are the reasons why choose property investment:

1. Property values will always increase over time.

2. For the security purpose, it is one of the safest and potentially most profitable investment markets in the UK and the world.

3. Real estate investing comes with numerous tax benefits such as mortgage interest, cash flow from investment properties, operating expenses and costs, property taxes, insurance and depreciation, and many more.

4. Real estate provides better returns than the stock market without as much volatility.

5. Good capital city residential property has an unequaled track record of producing high and consistent capital growth.

6. Property is a great investment because you make all the decisions and have direct control over the returns from your property.

7. Unlike most other investments, when real estate goes up in value you don’t need to sell in order to capitalize on that increased value.

Why you Should Invest Now In Property?

1.  House prices will carry on increasing

The UK still has a serious shortage of housing caused by a number of social and demographic factors. Unlike other European countries, our population is expanding significantly and it is predicted to reach 70 millions by 2020 compared to 63.7 millions today. More people living in the UK means that the demand for housing will carry on increasing therefore driving up the price of property for the foreseeable future. According to the Office of National Statistics there will be an annual shortfall of housing in the UK of over 100,000 properties each year for the next decade. This could mean a 1 million housing shortfall by 2025 if current trends continue.

2.  High rental demand, high rental returns.

A number of factors have combined to push up rental demand including an increase in immigration, more people living alone and rising house prices stopping first time buyer onto the ladder. This is excellent news for landlords who are finding that their Buy to Let properties are being let extremely quickly while their rental income keeps increasing.

3. Low interest rates

Interest rates have been at an all time low for 6 years making borrowing increasingly cheaper. With mortgage payments currently at their lowest, and ever increasing monthly rent, landlords are enjoying significantly higher rental income making it an ideal time to invest in the property market in the UK.


Why Invest with Top Property Solutions

At Top Property Solutions we like to get to know our investors, we are very mindful of who we work with (Joint Venture’s) and the importance of business relationships. Our services are tailored to our investor’s requirements such as:

  • a certain ROI (Return On Investment)
  • if you want to leave your money in an investment and reap the rewards in the future
  •  you may want to recycle your investment capital, pulling your investment out to invest again on another project.

We have numerous property investment strategies including property flips and great cash flowing investments. We can provide the experience, knowledge and solutions to make our business investment relationship a real win-win. We work with investors from all over the UK, some experienced and some not.

As a beginner in property we can provide you with property investment packs to show just how you will be gaining your profit and allow for a chance to learn as you see your investments come to life if you are a joint venture partner. We also have scheduled reviews with all our investors keeping them updated to discuss how the projects and investments are doing.. We even have video conferences with our more distant investors. We hope to hear from you soon and potentially work together to share some fantastic profit!

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Call Us on 01803473482




Kemp House, 160 City Road, London, EC1V 2NX 

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